Welcome to TrackHub. We value transparency and accountability in providing shipping and tracking solutions. This legal page outlines the terms, privacy policies, and legal guidelines governing the use of our website and services.
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.
We only collect essential information related to parcel tracking, including order IDs, shipment statuses, and carrier information.
Data is used solely for optimizing delivery services, tracking performance, and ensuring transparency.
We never share personal data unless required by applicable laws or trusted third-party logistics providers.
You can access, edit, or request the deletion of your data by contacting us directly.
By accessing or using TrackHub's services, you agree to adhere to these terms:
TrackHub provides parcel tracking and logistics insights through integration with trusted third-party shipping carriers.
While we aim for accuracy, TrackHub cannot guarantee real-time tracking in the event of technical failures, delays caused by weather, or carrier disruptions.
You agree to use TrackHub services only for their intended purposes and must keep your Tracking information confidential.
We use cookies to improve user experience and ensure seamless tracking services. These cookies help tailor analytics and provide operational insights. You can disable cookies through your browser settings; however, this may limit functionality on our platform.
All TrackHub names, logos, services, and proprietary tools are protected by copyright and intellectual property law. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification is strictly prohibited.
For legal inquiries or concerns, please contact our support team at:
[email protected]58 Rue de Monceau, 75008